XPathExec is the XPath executor, compiled from an XPath string Exec executes the XPath expression, xp, against the tree, t, with the
namespace mappings, ns, and returns the result as a stringer. ExecBool is like Exec, except it will attempt to convert the result to its boolean value. ExecNode is like Exec, except it will attempt to return the result as a node-set. ExecNum is like Exec, except it will attempt to convert the result to its number value. MustExec is like Exec, but panics instead of returning an error.
func MustParse(xp string) XPathExec
func Parse(xp string) (XPathExec, error)
Package-Level Functions (total 5)
Marshal prints the result tree, r, in XML form to w.
MarshalStr is like Marhal, but returns a string.
MustParse is like Parse, but panics instead of returning an error.
Parse parses the XPath expression, xp, returning an XPath executor.
ParseExec parses the XPath string, xpstr, and runs Exec.
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